Packing & Shipping

Posted By: Gregor Seiler In: Root On: Hit: 8316

We're glad you're reading our blog post about packaging and shipping. Today, we'd like to explain why shipping food is such a hassle and how we still make sure your order arrives in top quality.

While clothing or electronics can be shipped without any problems, shipping food requires special measures. Packing the products is very time-consuming and requires a lot of care. Our packaging material and insulated boxes are specially designed for shipping food and must be procured accordingly. In addition, shipping costs are more expensive due to the heavy weight and thicker cardboard boxes are needed to pack the products safely.


Our top priority is to ensure that your order reaches you in the best quality. To ensure this, we use insulating and protective films or insulating boxes, each of which we supplement with cool packs or dry ice. This is the only way we can guarantee that even frozen foods reach you safely and that the cold chain is maintained all the way to your door. In addition, we work exclusively with Planzer KEP AG and send our packages with Priority to ensure the highest quality on the way to you.

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But all these measures are connected with a considerable effort and corresponding costs. In online trading, retailers often advertise low shipping costs or even free shipping. But when shipping food in different temperature zones, we have to charge a reasonable fee to at least partially cover the cost of the elaborate packaging and shipping.

Thank you for your understanding, as this is the only way we can work every day to ensure that your order is delivered to your doorstep quickly, reliably and without wasting time.

Your looddl Team